Emma (right) with Marissa (left) presenting her awesome research project at the UAlbany Biology Undergraduate Symposium, April 2019.
Farewell for Nina, December 2018.
Thrilled to have Vincent Racaniello visit and give two talks on “Science Communication” and “One Brain, Three Viruses”, April 2019.
Halloween in the Pager lab, October 2018.
March 17, 2022 RNA Symposium 2022
6th Annual Symposium - The Language of RNA In Disease and Development, March 2019.
Rachel & Pamela at the UASRP Research Symposium. July 2018
March 24, 2022 The one and only Dr. Marissa Louis!
Congratulations Dr. Bonenfant! March 2019.
Rachel, Marissa & Gaston presenting at ASV 2018, College Park, MD.
Pager lab at ASV 2018, College Park, MD.
Pager lab, April 2018:
Front row: Deniece, Marissa, Nina, Rachel, Shina & Cara
Back row: Kyle, Rachel (2.0), Sabrina & Gaston
Sabrina, Nina, Kyle and Shina presenting at the UAlbany & Biology department undergraduate research symposium, April 2018.
#JustDTFE, December 2017.
Zika virus polyprotein makes an excellent holiday tree garland, December 2017.
Pager lab holiday party, December 2017.
Halloween in the Life Sciences Building, October 2017.
Fire safety training, August 2017.